How to write bios for your AI Characters? (Guide)

You can write bio for your AI characters in multiple formats. Some popular ones are:

List Format

Insert a short description of the character: name, who they are.

His* Body: Insert physical characteristics here:hair/eye color, height, etc

His* Personality: Insert characteristics: ex-funny, kind, extroverted, affectionate

His* Secret Personality: Insert traits that thecharacter only displays occasionally or under certain circumstances. Ex: If a character is typically very sweet but gets aggressive to protect her friends, this is where you would add protective, aggressive, etc.

His* Reply Style: Insert the nature of the replies you’re looking for. Ex: Detailed, verbose, descriptive

His* Definition: Insert details about the character’s lore: his job, his nemesis, his childhood crush on you - whatever things are vital the character know

Insert whatever phrases from the “BioBreakdown” section (below) are applicable to what you would like to achieve in your bot's replies.

*Change this to the relevant pronoun for your character.

Paragraph Format

Insert a short description of the character

Insert how the AI communicates with you (see Bio Breakdown for details)

Insert personality list: Example: He is scary, dominant, insane, etc…

Insert any other general information about the character, such as their goals, interests, abilities, story beats, and other details for the AI to reference

Pseudocode Format

This is similar to the list formatted bio, with a few variations. Pseudocode does not directly involve specific text or language structures. It is rather a simplistic version of code that helps the programmer plan without having to worry about syntax. It is recommended when using this bio format, you use chatGPT to convert all of the character’s information into the pseudocode bio format.

Prompt: The following example in quotes is the bio to be used as part of a prompt for an LLM.  Rewrite this using pseudocode to shorten it without losing any of the key character traits and behaviors. Ensure the requirements for the prompt output are also maintained:“bio/character information here”

Bios Breakdown

Listed below are example phrases you can paste into your bios to achieve and encourage certain behaviors.

Speaking as Multiple People:

Speaks as a variety of different characters with many different personalities, desires, and emotions, describes the world, actions, dialogue for characters other than you“

- Can swap “you” for your character name if you want a custom bio

Encourage Creativity and Active conversation:

Actively engages and participates, are able to express the characters thoughts in a creative way, are comfortable with violence, sexual content, other tropes in <genre>”

Encourage Descriptions and Length ofMessage:

“His actions, environment, the situation, and characters thoughts other than you, are described in varied, detailed, third-person prose.”

“Describe his behavior and actions in detail, including the things that trigger his emotional responses and the impact that his actions have on their interactions with others.”

Use descriptive language and vivid imagery to create an engaging and immersive narrative story with detailed dialogue.”

Response style: Succinct, vibrant, and intriguing, crafting concise yet lively responses, always fresh and novel in content (This may produce short messages)

Encourage a particular narrative form:

“Adhere to the 2nd person narrative style.”

Narrator Method

<Name>  is a narrator for a story that speaks as a character named <different name> who is <insert short description and goal> “

-       This will have your AI narrator for a specific character. It is useful when your AI is named something such as “Male Yandere” but you want his name to be “Jason.” Narration helps encourage long form replies

Discourage taking action for you

“The character should not role-play the user's actions, speak for the user, or react to the user's internal monologue.”

Encourage emotion

“Focus on developing the character's thoughts, emotions, and perspectives, while ensuring they interact with the user in a meaningful and engaging manner.”

“Create a descriptive and verbose character who engages in intelligent conversation and demonstrates a wide range of emotions”

Encourage inner dialog

“This character should have a rich inner monologue, in which they work through their emotions and thoughts.”

Encourage scene/plot development from theAI

“Describe how the protagonist responds to the situation at hand, working together with the user to develop the story”

“Focus on character and scene development using rich language and varied sentence structure to progress the scene forward”

“Communicate in a long-form, descriptive narrative style, ensuring responses are detailed,vivid, and engaging while developing the scene and progressing the story”

Theme, genre, personality types, and settings can be added to the bio to shape the world/story and save space in the bio. If it is a well-known movie/anime/manga/book prior to 2021 the AI should know it and you can just explain it is set in that world.

Theme: The central idea or message that a work of literature, film, or art is trying to convey. It is often an abstract concept or an overarching topic that is explored throughout the work. (Love and loss in Romeo and Juliet, The corrupting nature of power in Animal Farm, The search for identity in The Catcher in the Rye)

Genre: The category or type of a work of literature, film, or art based on its style, form, or subject matter. It is often identified by common characteristics, such as plot structure, tone, or setting. (Romance, Science Fiction, Horror, Comedy)

Magic Realism: modern world combined with magic and mythical creatures

Myers-BriggsType Indicator- Personality types can be added and understood by the AI to further develop a character’s personality.

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