What's the difference between short-term vs long-term characters memory?

AI memory refers to the ability of an AI system to store and retrieve information during its operations. It allows the AI model to learn from data and make informed decisions. However, AI memory is different from human memory. Rather than remembering things like humans do, AI memory is based on tokens, which are small units of text. Each token represents about 4 letters or 0.75 words.

ChatFAI characters have both short-term and long-term memory. Long-term memory is indicated in the bio. Short-term memory is captured through dialogue. 

For example, if you state that the character is a psychiatrist by trade in the bio, it will remember that fact permanently. If you and the character find yourselves at a dinner party through narration, it will forget that it is at a dinner party after a certain amount of messages. 

To keep the character’s short-term memory, you must remind it of important topics, locations, or events every few lines through your narration or check higher plan for better AI character memory.

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